Friday, January 29, 2010

Acute Renal Failure Causes More Condition_symptoms How Does Hypercalcemia Result In Renal Failure?

How does hypercalcemia result in renal failure? - acute renal failure causes more condition_symptoms

Ok, I know that leads to acute renal failure (ARF), the decrease in glomerular filtration rate for the conservation of phosphate (among other things ... I know) and loss of intracellular phosphate in the interstitial fluid. This inhibits the hyperphosphatemia 1-alpha-hydroxylation of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol into calcitriol. The result of the decrease in plasma concentration of calcitriol cause resistance of the skeletal effects of parathyroid hormone resulting in hypocalcemia. Hypercalcemia in the oliguric phase of ARF speaks for the diagnosis of malignant disease.

So I can see, such as lead hyper-/hypocalcemia May by the IRA, but that hypercalcemia due to kidney failure is a bit confusing for me. During his studies in multiple myeloma, I read that hypercalcemia can lead to kidney failure. The only answer I found is what may happen that hypercalcemia produces vasoconstriction in the glomerulus. Is there anyone shed some light is exactly how this happens or if it ever happens to throw?

1 comment:

snowball said...

It should be noted that the kidney and causes hypercalcemia hypercalcemia due to renal failure. It is difficult to determine which came first, but kidney failure tends to progress rapidly in the presence of hypercalcemia, it is faster in the test sequence.

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